Rhymed Poetry:
1st Place: Romance by Neal Huffaker
2nd Place: Poet on the Prairie by Barbara Shepherd
3rd Place: Reflections by Mary Brannon
Unrhymed Poetry:
1st Place: Memories by Skye Lucking
2nd Place: Springtime by Jean Stover
3rd Place: Spellbound by Shelley Anne Richter
Honorable Mention: Halloween by Neal Huffaker
Honorable Mention: The Note by Mary Brannon
Honorable Mention: Auntie’s Temper by Barbara Shepherd
Non-fiction Article:
1st Place: Purple Elephant by Skye Lucking
2nd Place: Claudia Potter, Medicine Woman by Barbara Shepherd
3rd Place: Do Adopted Children Grow Up? by Mary Payne
Honorable Mention: Christmas in March by Mary Brannon
Nostalgic Essay:
1st Place: Into Darkness by Neil Huffaker
2nd Place: Grief Relief by Shelley Anne Richter
3rd Place: Remembering Paul and Jackie by Keith Eaton
Honorable Mention: Writing with One Wing by Barbara Shepherd
Honorable Mention: My Very Most Unforgettable Character by Mary A. Spaulding
Honorable Mention: Little Sister Tagalong by Jean Stover
Honorable Mention: Laughing Gas and the Tornado by Skye Lucking
Honorable Mention: Could He Do it? by Mary Brannon
Children’s Fiction:
1st Place: Hear Me on the Radio by Barbara Shepherd
2nd Place: The Spunky Tenderfoot by Neal Huffacker
3rd Place: A Lottery Ticket for Lionel by Shelley Anne Richter
Honorable Mention: The Other Twin by Mary Brannon
Honorable Mention: Lessons for Lyncoya by Mary Payne
Short Story:
1st Place: Mystery without Mozart by Susan Brassfield Cogan
2nd Place: The Portrait Painter by Barbara Shepherd
3rd Place: Granny Thistle by Shelley Ann Richter
Honorable Mention: The Indomitable Dentist by Neal Huffacker
The Bonnie Speer Creme de la Creme Winner:
Into Darkness by Neal Huffaker